Crane Valve

Crane Valve

Duo-Check® II High Performance Check Valves

Duo-Check® II High Performance Check Valves

Duo- Check II high performance check valves are the original Mission wafer check valves introduced to the market in the late 50’s. They are available in the sizes, pressure classes and configurations you need to meet the most demanding of applications. The product range includes, but is not limited to,

  • Sizes: 2” to 72”
  • ASME Pressure Class 125 through 2500
  • API 6A and 6D pressure classes
  • DIN, JIS, BS, AS, and ISO standards are also available
  • Wafer, lug, double flanged and extended body styles
  • Configurations available in retainerless style, wafer, extended body wafer and lined
  • Body Materials: Cast Iron, Ductile Iron, WCB Cast Steel, 316 Stainless Steel. All alloys.
  • Resilient Seat Materials: EPDM, Buna-N, Neoprene, Refrigeration-grade elastomer, Viton
  • End Connections: Raised Face, Plain Face, Ring Joint, Weld-End, Hub-End.
  • Download Duo-Check® II Valves Catalog for more details, valve configurations, Duo-Check® II Specials and specifications.

Noz-Check® Valve High Performance Check Valves

Noz-Check® Valve High Performance Check Valves
Scope of Line
  • Sizes 2”-60”
  • ASME B16.34 & API 6D, pressure classes 150-4500
  • API 6A pressure classes 2000-15,000
  • Flanged, butt-weld ends, hub ends and specials
  • Standard and short pattern
  • Wide range of materials of construction available.

One of the most significant elements of piping system design is integrating the means to protect mechanical equipment and prevent damage caused by backflow. Backflow prevention is routinely achieved through the use of swing check valves or dual-plate check valves. Noz-Check valves are specifically designed for fast-reversing systems where backflow is a constant concern. In such critical service applications, Noz-Check Non-Slam Check Valves offer the following benefits

  • Minimizes the damaging effects of water hammer in fluid systems
  • Removal of chatter associated with conventional valves in reciprocating compressor service
  • Protects rotating equipment from damage due to flow reversal
  • Minimizes pressure loss in piping systems
  • Provides quick dynamic response reducing reverse velocity

Download Noz-Check® Valves Catalog for more details and specifications.

Uni-Check™ II High Performance Check Valves

Uni-Check™ II High Performance Check Valves

Valves for Backflow Prevention
In almost every piping system, there is a need for backflow prevention. Most piping systems utilize pumps or compressors to generate needed pressure for movement of line fluids or gases. When rotating equipment stops, flow reversal or backflow occurs. Check valves are used to stop backflow and protect rotating equipment or other mechanical devices from the sudden backflow surges that may occur. The Crane Uni-Check II offers these features and benefits:

  • Market Needs, available in sizes 2” (50mm) through 36” (900mm)
  • Pressure classes to meet ASME, BS, DIN, AS, JIS and ISO standards
  • Variety of Materials
  • Compactness for installation
  • Lightweight easier to handle and install
  • Lower cost, minimum maintenance design
  • Single Disc-Spring Closure-provides unobstructed flow and reduces damaging water hammer
  • Versatility-providing optional features, including external shaft with counterweight/backflush lever

Download Uni-Check™ Valves Catalog for more details, shaft options and specifications.

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To talk to us about your requirements now, please contact:

Alex Hong
Sales Manager
+65 6505-9200

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